Monday, May 31, 2010

"Pool Party" ~ Postcard

"Pool Party" ~ Postcard

Presenting my new Halloween postcard for the week! This eBay auction begins today at 10 AM EST and ends on 6/5/10. (Note: Auction link will not work until after the auction begins.)

eBay Auction Link ~ (Click Here)

© 2010 Christopher A. Klingler, All Rights Reserved.

~ Happy Memorial Day! ~

Sunday, May 30, 2010

EHAG Emporium Update & "Hallowe'en Carousel" ~ SFA

Click on banner above to visit the EHAG Emporium blog.

The EHAG Emporium update is coming soon on Memorial Day May 31st! Check out all the EHAG artisan goodies on the EHAG Emporium blog at 9 PM EST.

My offering for the new update is "Hallowe'en Carousel" a 9 x 12" SFA mixed media pen & ink illustration. I feel it's one of the best pieces I've done so far and I'm very proud of it!

"Hallowe'en Carousel" ~ SFA
© 2010 Christopher A. Klingler, All Rights Reserved.

Update: "Hallowe'en Carousel" SOLD ~ Thanks SO much!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

♫ 1980's Music Weekend Begins! ~ Galaxy Glue

One of my all time favorite 80's movies...Galaxy glue, Galaxy glue...what would we do without Galaxy glue?

~ Have a great Memorial Day weekend! ~

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Funny 4 the Day ~ Pool Funnies

With many pools opening this Memorial Day weekend, I thought these funnies would be quite appropriate. = Enjoy! '-))

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

50% Off Memorial Day Sale at my Etsy Shoppe!

Hi Folks,

In honor of Memorial Day I'm hosting a 50% off sale on ALL art items in my Etsy shoppe! Sale prices effective until 6.1.10

Grab these great art items for a great price!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

~ Break ~

Hi Folks,

Just wanted to let you know I will be taking a break from my eBay listings and Halloween art until the beginning of June. I'm a bit crispy fried and need to recharge my batteries for some new creative ideas to come. :-O)

Friday, May 21, 2010

♫ 1980's Music Weekend Begins! ~ Dynasty

Ah Dynasty...Remember the big hair, slinky Nolan Miller dresses, shoulder pads, and...

Alexis vs. Krystle ~ Catfights!!!

I could not decide which catfight was better...

~ Have a fabulous weekend! ~

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Na'vi Avatar

Watched "Avatar" this past weekend and was blown away! Great story and breathtaking special effects. This was by far one of the best new movies I've seen in ages. Searching online I found this cool site where you can create your own Avatar version of yourself!'nehajika&d=052010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

"Jackpot" ~ Postcard

"Jackpot" ~ Postcard

Presenting my new Halloween postcard for the week! This eBay auction begins today at 11 AM EST and ends on 5/21/10.

eBay Auction Link ~ (Click Here)

© 2010 Christopher A. Klingler, All Rights Reserved.

♫ 1980's Music Weekend Begins! ~ Sea-Monkeys

What a FUN, deceptive, and disappointing toy.

They are a variant of brine shrimp or Artemia salina, a species which enters cryptobiosis, a natural state of suspended animation, allowing their cysts (dormant saclike embryos) to be distributed and sold as a dry powder. When the "powder" is poured into saltwater, the Sea-Monkeys start to come out of their cysts.
The "real" Sea-Monkeys.

Monday, May 10, 2010

"Hallowe'en Rain" ~ SFA

My 2nd submission for EHAG's "Black & White Fright" Creative Art Challenge.

Available for sale at my Etsy shop!

Etsy Shop Link ~ (Click Here)

© 2009 Christopher A. Klingler, All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Horny Jack" ~ Postcard

"Horny Jack" ~ Postcard

My submission for EHAG's "Black & White Fright" Creative Art Challenge.

Presenting my new Halloween postcard for the week! This eBay auction begins today at 10 AM EST and ends on 5/8/10. (Note: Auction link will not work until after the auction begins.)

eBay Auction Link ~ (Click Here)

© 2010 Christopher A. Klingler, All Rights Reserved.