Sunday, May 30, 2010

EHAG Emporium Update & "Hallowe'en Carousel" ~ SFA

Click on banner above to visit the EHAG Emporium blog.

The EHAG Emporium update is coming soon on Memorial Day May 31st! Check out all the EHAG artisan goodies on the EHAG Emporium blog at 9 PM EST.

My offering for the new update is "Hallowe'en Carousel" a 9 x 12" SFA mixed media pen & ink illustration. I feel it's one of the best pieces I've done so far and I'm very proud of it!

"Hallowe'en Carousel" ~ SFA
© 2010 Christopher A. Klingler, All Rights Reserved.

Update: "Hallowe'en Carousel" SOLD ~ Thanks SO much!

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