Sunday, August 21, 2011

~ Show N Tell ~

I recently asked my good artist friend Jodi Creager for a big favor. Jodi is a whiz with Photo Shop and photo manipulation, so I asked her to make a fun new series of Vamp CK web ready pictures of me. Jodi never disappoints and I'm just tickled black & white with the results! You can see all the variations on my blog background, personal Facebook, About CK section here, and about me on my website.

SO I had to return the favor and send her a special gift as a thank you. I knew Jodi had not yet experienced my art in person so I sent her an original postcard that I thought she would enjoy. Jodi's husband Richard beautifully framed my "Queen of Hearts" postcard and it just looks great! ~ Tickled you both enjoyed the CK original and thanks again for your friendship.

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