Thursday, December 15, 2011

More of the same talking points from Andres Oppenheimer at the Miami Herald

Remember Andres Oppenheimer at the Miami Herald? His not so good book about Cuba titled Castro's Final Hour was published in 1993. His book is so good that you can buy it today at for one penny. Yes, I am not kidding you, one penny! If you are a Scrooge type and do not want to spend that much money this Christmas, you can probably read it for free at your local library or through the inter-library loan system.

This guy is one of the many idiots employed by the The Miami 'Gusano' Herald. He is a typical know-nothing person who has profited handsomely from the anti-Cuba business.

Today, he has the audacity of publishing another article in that newspaper that delights the readers in the Cesspool of the United States. Of course, do not expect to read anything positive about the Caribbean island when you peruse his latest article. It is negativity raised to the third power in regards to Cuba.

It has been now 18 years since his first book. If he had chosen a different title, people probably would not laugh so much about him.

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