Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16: Fidel Castro Becomes the Prime Minister of Cuba in 1959

Global Grid For Learning

Posted by Jason on February 16, 2011

Fidel Castro became Prime Minister of Cuba on 16 February 1959. He remained in power as Prime Minister, and then as President, for the next 49 years, making him the world’s longest serving political leader.

Fidel Castro was a revolutionary with strong affiliations to the Communist Party. He wanted to eradicate poverty from Cuba and declared the country a socialist republic. A hostile relationship between Cuba and the USA culminated in the threat of an American invasion of Cuba in 1962. Castro responded by allowing the USSR to deploy nuclear missiles on Cuba. The crisis brought the two superpowers to the brink of nuclear war.

Relations between Cuba and the USA remain difficult, with US trade embargos and travel restrictions being used to pressurise Cuba to reform its political system.

JG: Good photo of a young Fidel in 1959. Click on the link to see it.

Cubans have chosen Socialism, (people helping people) over Capitalism, (people screwing people.) It will reform its native brand of Socialism to improve it, not to repeal it. VAS BIEN RAUL!

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