Monday, February 13, 2012

Terrorist Luis Posada Carriles Planned to Attack Cuban Book Fair

Radio Cadena Agramonte

Havana, Feb 13.- New evidence shows that Luis Posada Carriles planned to carry out violent actions during the International Book Fair Cuba 2012, Cuban-Guatemalan writer Percy Alvarado said in Havana on Saturday.

When presenting his book "Luis Posada Carriles: Un Engendro Incondicional de la CIA" (Luis Posada Carriles: An Unconditional Monster of the CIA), the ex agent Frayle of Cuba's State Security said that the monitoring of the enemy's activity showed that in a recent meeting between Posada Carriles, a well-known terrorist, and his accomplices, they planned the operation.

Alvarado noted that thanks to the immediate action of Cuban secret services, the plan and its possible media show were dismantled, as well as provocations planned in Havana and Santiago de Cuba prior to Pope Benedict XVI's visit in March.

Speaking to his audience at the fortress of San Carlos de la Cabaña, the main venue of the Havana Book Fair, Alvarado noted that among those who tried to carry out those violent actions were the Cuban-born terrorists Santiago Alvarez and Reinol Rodriguez. The latter is the chief of the armed group Alpha 66.

He added that those people are planning other actions to create a conflict between the United States and Cuba based on recent statements by Cuban-American Congresswoman Ileana Ross Lehtinen about the operation of the oil platform in deep waters in the Gulf of Mexico, a region shared by Cuba, the United States and Mexico.

That is why; there will always be an anonymous and modest hero like the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in U.S. prisons, whose release will depend on not yielding in the effort to denounce terrorism against Cuba and internalizing that anyone of us can be one of them.

The book on Luis Posada Carriles deals about the life and criminal record of this man on the payroll of the empire, in addition to being a solid denunciation of the plans funded and organized by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) against Cuba.

Little known and unpublished passages about Posada Carriles, the confessed organizer of the sabotage on a Cubana Airline plane in mid-flight in 1976, are combined in the book with other events of world relevance, such as his participation in Operation Condor, designed by the CIA during the period of Latin American dictatorships. (Prensa Latina).

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