Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Samsung akan hadir dengan Tablet 11.6 Inch dengan Prosesor 2GHz

Samsung Galaxy 7.0
Samsung Electronics bakal memperkenalkan tablet terbarunya yang mempunyai layar  dengan ukuran lebih besar daripada sebelumnya yaitu 11,6 inci. Tablet ini direncanakan bakal diperkenalkan di ajang Mobile World Congress (MWC) di Barcelona akhir Februari mendatang.

Rumor ini dihembuskan oleh Android and Me, perkenalan tablet terbaru dan lebih lebar in dikabarkan sebagai pengganti perkenalan ponsel pintar Samsung Galaxy S III yang dikabarkan akan ditunda peluncurannya.Tablet ini bakal dibenamkan prosesor terbaru bikinan Samsung yang disebut prosesor dual core Exynos 5250 dengan kekuatan 2 GHz. Berbeda dengan yang digunakan di smartphone atau tablet Samsung sebelumnya, yang selalu dibekali prosesor ARM Cortex A15 CPU Core.

Namun, chip prosesornya ini masih berukuran 32nm High-K Metal gate (HK/MG). Padahal pesaingnya sudah memakai ukuran 28nm. Samsung pasti memiliki alasan sendiri atas pembuatan ukuran chip prosesornya tersebut.

Di sisi resolusi, dukungan layarpun sudah berteknologi WXQGA (2.560 x 1.600 piksel), lebih besar dibandingkan  resolusi layar pada tablet terdahulunya. Sementara sistem operasi yang bakal dibenamkan adalah Android terbaru, Ice Cream Sandwich.

Rumor pembuatan tablet berukuran 11,6 inci ini beredar saat ajang Customer Electronics Show (CES) di Las Vegas awal Januari lalu. Pada saat itu, Samsung sempat memamerkan prototipe produk tablet yang berjalan dengan prosesor Exynos dan Android Ice Cream Sandwich.

A Brief History of the Ludicrous, Doomed Politics of Florida Cuban Votes

The Atlantic

Anya Landau French

Jan 31 2012, 10:41 AM ET

Republicans like Romney see hardline positions as essential, but Cuban American demographics may be changing, and the U.S.-Cuba relationship could change with it

After Newt Gingrich's upset victory in the South Carolina primary, all eyes turned to the potentially game-changing primary in Florida, and to the famously large and organized Cuban American voting bloc, which could help make or break any of the Republican presidential hopefuls. In a nod to the issue's expected resonance in Florida, both CNN debates in the state featured questions about Cuba, or more specifically, about Fidel Castro and how the candidates might handle news of his death. The leading candidates fell all over themselves: they couldn't wait for Castro to meet his maker; no, wait, he won't be so lucky -- he'll go to the other place; and if we could help Libya's Qaddafi get there, why not Castro? From the debate stage to the stump speech to the multi-point plans, the candidates rushed to prove their anti-Castro bona fides, and they hope, win the Cuban American vote.

Cuban Americans are expected to overwhelmingly support Mitt Romney in tonight's primary. With the leading candidates' positions so similar, why would this community break for Romney, and what does it mean for a potential general election face-off between President Obama and Governor Romney?

First, a bit of history. Ever since the Clinton administration returned a little boy found at sea to his father in Cuba, the Cuban American community has been splintering between the old guard and the new guard, between Cubans who wanted to keep Elian Gonzalez in the U.S. more than to reunite him with his father and the Cubans who were mortified by the black eye the community gave itself in the standoff with the U.S. government. The community is increasingly split between Cubans who left the island decades ago under desperate circumstances, never went back, and vote religiously in U.S. elections, often based on U.S. policies toward Cuba; and those who've arrived in the past 20 years, are less interested in politics, less quick to seek U.S. citizenship or vote here, and are more interested in frequent contact with friends and family still on the island.

As the rift deepened, President Bush and Cuban American congressmen allied themselves with the old guard, dishing out more and more red meat to this reliable voter base. As Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a now-senior Cuban American lawmaker Jeb Bush helped get elected more than 20 years ago, noted in December, "Cuban Americans are the most loyal Republican voters and we could easily be said to be the only solid, dependable bloc of voters for the GOP." This is partly because the older generation is simply more ideologically in tune with the GOP. But it's also because the community's political leaders, nearly all hard-liners, are incredibly organized and know how to get out their vote. The voters who go for Mitt Romney are unlikely to do so because Romney moved them, but rather because local leaders like Ros-Lehtinen, who is now the chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, as well as Lincoln and Mario Diaz-Balart, once and current congressmen who are also Fidel Castro's first wife's nephews, urged support for Romney.

Over the years, garnering Cuban exile votes has meant seeking to isolate and antagonize Cuba diplomatically and financially, trying (or at least seeming to try) to foment opposition on the island, and limiting Americans' contacts with Cubans and Cuban culture. But, slowly, Americans have been waking up to the futility of this mission. (The Buena Vista Social Club and other Cuban artists who came to the U.S. in the late 1990's and early 2000s were a big hit around the country, a small but important moment of mutual respect between Americans and Cubans.) Still, President George W. Bush dutifully appointed a Presidential Commission to come up with a sweeping and unrealistic plan "for a Free Cuba," severely curtailed family, academic, cultural, and even religious travel to the island, and he quadrupled U.S. government funding to "hasten the transition" in Cuba, That aid has been riddled with problems, such as embezzlement, fraud, mismanagement, lack of transparency and, most of all, lack of any discernible results.

The Bush administration, in its continual effort to pander to its hard-line Cuban exile base in Florida, also puffed up charges of Cuban state sponsored terrorism and human trafficking, suspended biannual migration talks, kicked out several Cuban diplomats -- implying but not actually saying they were spies -- and appointed a number of hard-line Cuban Americans to key posts, including Otto Reich, Roger Noriega, Mauricio Tamargo, Salvador Lew, and Dan Fisk (he's not Cuban American but helped codify the embargo when he worked for Senator Jesse Helms).

Eventually, the Bush administration ran out of red meat left to throw at the exile voter, and so it invited its favored Cuban dissidents to the White House (but not those who criticized U.S. policies), ordered up a new Commission to recommend more of the same, and scheduled plenty of high level speechifying. When Castro fell ill, the Bush administration insisted that a family succession was out of the question, both because we wouldn't allow it and because the Cuban people the U.S. had supposedly worked so hard to empower wouldn't stand for it.

None of this had any appreciable effect on Havana except to harden it. During Bush's two terms, Fidel Castro became more belligerent, authorities locked up 75 dissidents that Cuban state prosecutors claimed were collaborating with a hostile foreign power (the U.S.), and Castro even made new friends. Venezuela's Hugo Chavez happily came under Castro's tutelage and to his aid. Canada, China, Brazil, Vietnam, and Spain deepened trade ties, and Cuba restored relations with every last country in the Western Hemisphere save one -- us. The United Nations General Assembly voted again and again and again to condemn the U.S. embargo of Cuba, with only Israel and one or two small islands in the Pacific standing with the United States. Cubans who had come to rely on income generated from Americans' and others' visits to the island felt the pinch, and Castro cut back many of the emergency reforms he had reluctantly supported in the 1990s. When Raul Castro took over for his ailing brother in 2006, he slowly began to embrace a more market-based economy, not because of the U.S. embargo, but because, he admitted, the Cuban model simply wasn't sustainable.

By the time President Obama took office, the Castros had outlived -- and outruled -- ten U.S. presidents. There was little use in him dishing out hard-line red meat -- only the old guard exiles really wanted it and they would never vote for a Democrat, particularly one who said he saw no reason not to talk to Raul Castro (he has since found reasons, predictably, not to do so). So, then-candidate Obama worked to cultivate Cuban American voters who don't want to isolate friends and relatives on the island. Obama jeered at the tough talk with no results and offered real action: as president, he would lift all restrictions on family travel and remittances to Cuba.

Once elected, Obama came through on his promise, and later stood against a Congressional Republican effort to reinstate the draconian restrictions (one two-week visit to nuclear family only every three years, with no humanitarian exceptions allowed) at the end of last year. Obama's defense of his reforms suggests his team believes they've picked the right strategy. But given Romney's expected win, it begs the question, who really has the Cuban American vote?

It's a trick question, actually. A generic Republican could still handily take the Cuban American vote in Florida, because the electorate is still largely older, loyally Republican, and hard-line toward Cuba. But Obama doesn't need the whole Cuban American vote; he just needs a few more percentage points than, say, John Kerry won in 2004. He got them in 2008 and won the state by 200,000 votes, so Cuban Americans didn't actually figure as prominently as they have in previous elections. Unfortunately for Romney, all the hard-lining in the world probably won't win him any more Cuban American votes than a Republican would normally get, and his stance on immigration is likely to hurt him with the bigger population of non-Cuban American latinos. (Cubans get unparalleled access to the United States, so immigration isn't such a big issue for them.)

Yet, while Obama aimed for the center with his Cuba travel policies, many Cuban American moderates still don't vote, meaning that the average Cuban American voter is more conservative than the average Cuban American. That may convince the Obama team to lean further to the right -- where there's already little room left. But that would be a mistake, as conservative Cuban Americans aren't in play for Democrats. With a little more vision and courage -- offer an unapologetic engagement with the people of Cuba, in which all Americans could equally participate, for instance -- and he could inspire more of the gettable moderates to get out there this time around and vote. That would do a lot more than just bring Obama a few extra votes in Florida -- it would accelerate a gradual transformation in the politics of Cuban Americans, and thus the policies of the U.S. toward Cuba, away from the hardliners and toward the growing moderates. Romney may do well with the hard-liners this week, but that group and their coveted embargo might not last.

Unuk Kemajuan Indonesia Dari TV Analog Ke TV Digital

Asalamulaikm.Wr.Wb. Kali ini saya akan share tentang penggunaan TV Digital, mentri komunikasi dan informatika mengajak kita untuk pindah dari TV analog atau TV yang sehari hari kita lihat menjdi TV digitl. Ternyata hal ini dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan internasional tentang siaran TV Digital.

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) atau otoritas telekomunikasi internasional telah memberi batas akhir (deadline) kepada seluruh negara di dunia, agar paling lambat, 17 Juni 2015 seluruh lembaga penyiaran melakukan penyiaran dengan digital.

Akibat dari deadline itu, televisi analog yang biasa ditonton sehari-hari tidak akan bisa menerima siaran lagi. Pada tanggal tersebut, mau tak mau, masyarakat harus berganti ke televisi yang bisa menangkap siaran digital.

"Tren teknologi tidak bisa dilawan. Bermula dari televisi analog berupa tabung, transistor, IC lalu ke digital, LCD dan seterusnya. Seperti halnya dengan industri telekomunikasi yang dimulai dari 2G, 3G, LTE dan seterusnya

Sebagai tahap awal, pemerintah telah melakukan uji coba terhadap siaran televisi digital pada Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) pada empat kota yaitu Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya dan Batam sejak 2010.

Tifatul menjamin siaran televisi digital akan menghasilkan gambar yang bersih dan suara yang bening. Bahkan sesuai dengan Undang-undang No 32 Tahun 2002, televisi digital akan menjamin diversity of ownership, diversity of content dan sistem stasiun jaringan (SSJ) yang tidak akan menimbulkan kasus monopoli.

  • Waktu dan Pelaksanaan Teknis

Pemerintah akan memisah penyelenggara multiplexer (mux) dengan penyelenggara siaran, tadinya 33 zona, sekarang 15 zona dengan 1 zona ada 6 mux dan 1 mux ada 12 channel. Jadi dalam 1 zona akan tersedia 72 channel televisi digital.

Pemerintah menjamin tidak ada lagi monopoli siaran dan peluang dibuka seluas-luasnya. Contohnya untuk wilayah Jakarta dan Banten termasuk dalam satu zona yang memungkinkan ada 72 channel televisi.

"Selama ini industri televisi hanya didominasi oleh pemain besar. Industri televisi kecil yang belum terakomodasi nanti juga bisa bersaing dan bisa hidup dengan adanya siaran digital ini," tambahnya.

Pemerintah mengharapkan waktu migrasi dari televisi analog ke digital diberikan batas sampai 2018. Dalam masa transisi, konsumen yang mempunyai televisi analog memerlukan set top box untuk dapat menerima siaran digital tersebut.

Set top box (semacam decoder) dari pemancar digital ke penerima analog sedang diproduksi dan diuji coba oleh  siswa SMK. Rencananya mereka akan menjual seharga Rp 85.000 per unit.

Saat ini, harga set top box di kawasan Glodok Jakarta akan dijual sekitar Rp 135.000. Pemerintah juga mendukung agar set top box ini diproduksi murni dari konten lokal atau diproduksi oleh anak-anak bangsa.
  • Tidak Memberatkan

Pemerintah menjamin bahwa siaran televisi digital ini tidak akan memberatkan warga. Pemerintah hanya mengimbau kepada masyarakat yang masih memiliki televisi analog untuk membeli set top box agar bisa menerima siaran televisi digital.

Mulai saat ini, pihak Kominfo dan bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Perdagangan mengimbau kepada perusahaan yang memproduksi perangkat televisi agar memproduksi televisi digital dan mulai menghentikan produksi televisi analog.

Selain itu, pemerintah juga sedang menghitung peluang bantuan decoder kepada orang-orang miskin dan diperkirakan akan menghabiskan dana Rp 300 miliar.

"Untuk saat ini masyarakat bisa membeli set top box. Masih ada transisi selama tujuh tahun sebelum televisi analog di-moratorium (dimatikan).

  • Sesuai aturan

Siaran televisi digital ini juga sudah dilakukan di negara-negara Eropa. Begitu juga dengan Jepang yang sudah memakai dual system. Tifatul menganggap bahwa untuk membangun negeri, Indonesia tidak boleh ketinggalan, terutama dalam hal teknologi dan informasi.

Dengan televisi digital penggunaan frekuensi diyakini akan lebih efisien. Pemerintah memakai frekuensi di 474 Mhz hingga 570 Mhz. Dengan cara ini tidak ada lagi yang menguasai dua frekuensi di satu zona.

Dan hal ini sedang dilakukan perkembangan akan TV digital di Indonesia. Dan hal ini sedang dilakukan penuntasan PM (Peraturan Mentri) yang mendukung siaran digital ini.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Raul Castro defends one-party system as bulwark against U.S. imperialism

By Jeff Franks

HAVANA | Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:07pm EST

HAVANA (Reuters) - President Raul Castro defended Cuba's one-party political system as a bulwark against U.S. imperialism and said it would remain as it is in a speech on Sunday to a Communist Party conference.

He also said previously announced plans to put term limits on the country's leaders were not fully official, but could gradually go ahead.

This weekend's conference, which is the first in the party's history, came amid wide-ranging reforms that have given Cubans the right to open small businesses and to buy and sell cars, but have included no promises of significant political change.

Castro held to that line in his speech when he railed against the United States, Cuba's longtime ideological foe, and its political system and said the Caribbean island 90 miles from Florida intended to remain a one-party state.

The Communist Party is the only legal political party in Cuba and, under a national constitution in effect since 1976, the supreme guiding force of the society and the state.

"In Cuba, based on its experience in the long history of the fight for independence and national sovereignty, we defend the one-party system instead of the demagoguery and commercialization of politics," Castro said.

He said permitting additional parties would open the door to U.S. interference. It "would be the equivalent of legalizing a party of imperialism on our soil," Castro said.

While the party will remain unchallenged, Castor said the country's leaders will be limited to two consecutive five-year terms, an idea he first mentioned at a party congress in April.

Castro said the party was still working out the legal measures for term limits, which will require a change to the constitution, but that implementation could begin "gradually, even before the constitution is changed."

He did not explain how that would be done or when it might start.

Term limits would be a break from the past in the Cuba, where Fidel Castro ruled for 49 years after the 1959 revolution and was succeeded by Raul Castro, his younger brother.

They also could help bring new blood into the government, whose current leaders are elderly and have no obvious replacements.

Raul Castro is 80, his vice president Jose Ramon Machado Ventura is 81 and Fidel Castro, now mostly retired but still present behind the scenes, is 85.

There was talk before the conference that the party might impose age limits on leaders and promote new, younger people into the party hierarchy, but there had been no mention of either.

Bert Hoffmann, a Cuba specialist at German Institute of Global Area Studies in Hamburg, said the message of the conference appeared to be "to downplay any expectations that economic reforms might entail political change."

(Additional reporting by Rosa Tania Valdes and Marc Frank)


JG: In the United States, they also also have one ruling political party, and it is called The Capitalist Party. But the ruling elites try to fool the uneducated and the dumb by telling them that there are competing Democratic and Republican Parties. Those two entities serve the interests of BIG CAPITAL, and never those of the working-class, which is the only institution in the world that creates wealth.

Amigos de José Martí Park in Ybor City

Love was in the air! The not-so-small contingent came together at the appointed time on Sunday, January 29, 2012, at the Amigos de Jose Marti Park in Ybor City, Tampa, Florida. They all gathered in front of the beautiful monument which honors Cuba's Apostle Of Independence. I estimated the attendance at 75-100 people.

There were people from North America, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Nicaragua. They were young, middle-aged and Seniors. Black, Brown, and White. Love united them.

Everyone came in peace. This was not a political act; the group did not hate anyone. No one yelled slogans. They came to express their respect, their love. They wanted to honor the 159th Anniversary of the Birth of Jose Marti.

The act had a “Celebration Program of the One Hundred Fifty-Nine Anniversary of the Birth of Jose Marti.”

1.Welcome: Vicente Amor / Albert A. Fox Jr.

2.Floral Wreath Presentation

3.Singing of the National Anthem of Cuba

4.Introduction: Abelardo Arteaga, Translation: Jorge Diaz

5.Guitar Presentation: Llyn French

6.Introduction of Councilwoman Mary S. Mulhern, Tampa City Council

7.Guitar Presentation: Llyn French

8.Presentation of a Poem of Jose Marti: Dr. Miguel Gonzalez

9.Closure: Mauricio Vazquez

10. All those present sing: “La Guantanamera.”

In my fifty years of living in the United States, I have never seen a more beautiful event.

In addition to the consulate office in Washington D.C. (which is called Sección de Intereses de Cuba en Washington) and The Amigos de Jose Marti Park in Ybor City are sovereign territories of the Republic of Cuba.

Photos of the meeting:

Monument to The Apostle

The Wreath


Tampa City Councilwoman

Lieutenant General Antonio Maceo Grajales

"The Bronze Titan"

Supreme Commander of the Cuban Liberation Army

Photos of the area surrounding “Amigos de Jose Marti Park.”

Historical Marker

Masonic Monument to Jose Marti

Círculo Cubano

Ybor City

SpOOky 4 the Day ~ They Live

Sunday, January 29, 2012


HIMMAT (himpunan mahasiswa pendididkan matematika) merupakan organisasi profesi yangmenjadi wadah mahasiswa pendidikan matematika FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro.
Dalam rangka milad HIMMAT ke- I yang dilaksananakan pada tanggal  7 – 15 januari 2012, HIMMAT menjadikan rangkaian acara dengan acara inti LKMM ( latihan kepemimpinan mangamen mahasiswa ) se- Lampung,  dan LCT tingkat SMP se- Lampung, yang diwakili dari 2 kota dan 3 kabupaten yaitu kota Metro,  kota  Bandar Lampung, kab. Lampung Timur, kab. Lampung Tengah, dan kab. Pringsewu. 

Diajang perlombaan LCT Matematika se-Lampung  yang bertemakan “Mengoptimalkan dan Mengembangkan Intelegensi Dalam Bidang Matematik”.SMP N 2 Kotagajah menyabet  dua juara sekaligus yaitu juara 1 dan juara 3 sehinga berhak memboyong piala bergilir DEKAN FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro dan SMP N 4 Metro merebut juara 2.

Kegiatan Milad HIMMAT ini juga merupakan bentuk dari promosi agenda besar yang akan dilaksanakan HIMMAT ( Himpunan Mahasiswa Pendididkan Matematika ) FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro yaitu KONGRES IKAHIMATIKA ( Ikatan Mahasiswa Matematika Indonesia)  ke- XI.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

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University of Havana Students Commemorate the 159th Anniversary of the Birth of José Martí

Source: Granma

Honor para quien honor merece

Friday, January 27, 2012

Conference of Cuba’s Communist Party to Begin on Saturday

Jan 27th, 2012

The 1st National Conference of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) will begin on Saturday to assess the work of that political organization objectively and critically, Granma newspaper reported on Friday.

According to the source, the conference will respond to the agreements reached at the 6th PCC Congress. Its opening date was chose to celebrate the 159th birthday of National Hero Jose Marti.

The draft conference agenda, whose initial version was published in October 2011, was discussed in over 65,000 meetings of PCC and Young Communist League (UJC) groups, Granma newspaper notes.

During the analysis of the draft agenda, over one million opinions were collected contributing to the modification of 78 of the 96 objectives of the document and the inclusion of five others.

The conference, expected to end next Sunday at Havana’s Conference Center, will continue discussing the mentioned agenda.

Source: Cubadebate


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José Martí en Ybor City

José Martí and cigar workers on the steps of
V.V. Ybor's factory, 1893

Source: Wikepedia

This Saturday, Cubans throughout the world will remember and honor the 159th anniversary of José Martí's birth.

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Ron Paul calls for diplomatic relations with Cuba

Los Angeles Times

By Alana Semuels

January 26, 2012, 7:19 p.m.

Ron Paul took a risky position in Florida in Thursday’s debate, calling for communication and diplomatic relations with Cuba, saying that people's positions have changed dramatically over the last few years.

Paul said that Cuba isn’t going to invade the U.S. any time soon, and that Americans weren’t looking under their beds anymore, worried. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich followed by pledging to continue the economic embargo on Cuba and to take any action short of military invasion to upend the government of Raul Castro.

Paul’s position is a potentially dangerous one in Florida, a state with a influential voting bloc of conservative Republicans from Cuba who have long favored aggressive policies toward Havana.

But a study of Cuban American voters in Florida suggests that Paul might be right, and that voters' opinions about Cuba are changing. Support for tightening the embargo dropped by roughly half between 2004 and 2008, according to a study by Benjamin Bishin, a UC Riverside professor.

Cuban Americans’ support for easing the embargo increased to 43.4%, from 26.7% in 2004, and support for easing travel restrictions increased to 47.4% from 32.9%, Bishin found. “Cuban Americans’ attitudes on issues of U.S. foreign policy toward Cuba seems to be in transition,” he wrote in a 2009 study.

The Star Ledger: Ron Paul was right on Cuba; Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum were dumb and dumber

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

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Fidel Castro publishes new article on US imperial appetites and a recent media campaign against Cuba

Radio Cadena Agramonte

Havana, Jan 26.- Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro said that Cuba won’t be that additional strength with which the US empire extends its reign over the peoples of America.

In his most recent article entitled The fruit which did not fall, Fidel Castro said the Cuban Revolution has endured over half a century, in spite of the imperial appetites of the power that lurks just a few miles off Cuban shores.

Fidel also summarized the endless struggle of the Cuban people against the continued aggressions of the US government and the anti-Cuban terrorist organizations based in the state of Florida.

He also mentioned the recent media campaign orchestrated against Cuba, to stain the name of the Cuban government and its institution, in connection with the death of a common prisoner due to multiple organ failure.

Wilmar Villar, a prisoner who was serving a four year sentence for disorderly conduct, assault and contempt of authorities, received all kinds of medical care before dying last Thursday of multiple organ failure.

In this respect Fidel urged the Spanish government to hold the United States accountable for what happens in its prisons, the ruthless treatment of millions of prisoners, the ominous practice of the electric chair and the brutal crackdown of anti-corporatism protesters.

Fidel Castro rejected the lies used by Spain and the European Union to attack Cuba and urged them to deal first with their sovereign crisis, if they can, and to solve the chronic unemployment among young people in the depleted region, as he described it. (RHC).

Is Ron Paul being bought? Say it ain't so Joe!

Breaking News: Ron Paul Falls in Line with GOP, Declares Support for War with Iran and Never-Ending War on Islam

In a dramatic reversal of policy, Texas Congressman Ron Paul has announced he will support a preemptive strike on Iran, along with the return of U.S. troops to Iraq, a never-ending war on Islam, and a CIA-led Cuba Spring if elected president in 2012.

A source close to Paul said the previously anti-war candidate had suffered long enough at the polls for his refusal to endorse across-the-board war, and that he would be unveiling his new, more aggressive foreign policy at Thursday evening’s GOP debate, ahead of the Florida primary next week.



JG: Is Ron Paul becoming a typical GOP politician? Is he abandoning libertarian and anti-war policies?

Circo Republicano Contra Cuba

Caricatura Progreso Semanal

Circo republicano contra Cuba

The Salamander Wants to Bomb Cuba

Newt Gingrich prepared to bomb Cuba (TheAustralian.com)

* From: AFP
* January 27, 2012 12:00AM

NEWT Gingrich was ahead in the rhetorical war among Republican presidential hopefuls on who could be toughest on Cuba's communist regime, suggesting yesterday that he would bomb the island if there were a popular uprising.

The former house speaker and his top rival, ex-Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, were engaged in heated campaigning in Florida days before Wednesday's Republican primary. And both were desperately wooing the state's large Cuban-American community, nearly a million strong.

Mr Gingrich was asked to explain comments that if elected, he would "not tolerate four more years of a Cuban dictatorship".

If the US planes bombed Libya, should they do the same with Cuba?

"If there was a genuine, legitimate uprising, we would, of course, be on the side of the people," Mr Gingrich told Spanish-language network Univision.

"In that sense, I don't see why Cuba should be sacrosanct, and we should say, 'Oh, don't do anything to hurt' - you know, we're very prepared to back people in Libya. We may end up backing people in Syria. But now Cuba? Hands off Cuba. That's baloney.
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"People of Cuba deserve freedom."

The audience at the Miami venue where Univision held the interview broke into applause.

Mr Romney said if he were president, he would punish foreign companies doing business in Cuba.

Former Cuban president Fidel Castro dismissed the tough talk. "The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalised and expansive empire is . . . the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been heard," he wrote in Cuban media yesterday.

Mr Gingrich also defended himself against accusations of being a hypocrite for criticising then president Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Mr Gingrich spoke out against Mr Clinton at the same time he, as house speaker, was cheating on his wife. He said he wasn't criticising Mr Clinton's relationship with Ms Lewinsky but Mr Clinton's response to it.

"I have never lied under oath, I have never committed perjury, I have never committed a felony," Mr Gingrich said.


JG: What a f***ing idiot!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Cuba Issue in Last Night's "Debate"

Jannuary, 24th, 2012

Front Page has reported the following:

About 10% of the Florida primary voters are Cuban-Americans, prompting the moderator to ask Mitt Romney about his stance on the Castro regime and how he’d handle a potential refugee crisis if it were to fall. Romney was applauded, even though the audience was asked to be quiet, when he said he’d first “thank heavens that Castro has gone to his maker.” He sharply criticized President Obama’s softening of America’s policy towards Cuba and praised a democratic activist who died in Cuba while on a hunger strike.

Newt Gingrich was likewise applauded by following that up with saying, “I don’t think Fidel [Castro] is going to meet his maker. He’s going to another place.” Gingrich then won the biggest reaction of the night when he said that he would not tolerate four more years of the Castro dictatorship and would support a “Cuban Spring” by supporting every democratic activist achieve regime change.

Rick Santorum spoke in similar terms and broadened the discussion. He warned of the anti-American alliance that has formed between Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Iran and the “jihadists.” He said that these enemies are elated to have a base only 90 miles off the coast of Florida.

Ron Paul was the lone exception to a policy of regime change towards Cuba. He said that it is not 1962 anymore and that the U.S. should diplomatically and economically engage the Cuban regime, comparing it to how relations have improved with Vietnam.

Jorge Gonzalez' response:

1) Romney, Gingrich and Santorum are professional capitalists who hate Cuba with a passion. If any of them is elected, they could lead our planet to total destrucion.

2) Ron Paul was the only sane person in the rooom. For that reason I "temporarily" changed my voter registration in Florida last December 29 or 30. On January 31st I will be casting my vote for U.S. Representative Ron Paul. On February First or Second I will re-register again as an Independent, who has no party preference.

3) Barack H. Obama is also a failed politician, although I give him credit for having relaxed Cuba travel and remittances (for Cuban-Ammericans) to the island. His "Change You Can Believe In" of 2008 was a sad FRAUD!

4) The "dissident" who died last week in Cuba was a common convicted criminal. He, like Tamayo before him, had a suicide wish. Good ridance for the Cuban people!

Jan. 31st EHAG Emporium Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek of my Jan. 31st EHAG Emporium offering (and 1st new art of 2012).

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Monday, January 23, 2012

The Cases of Alan Gross and the Cuban Five

Center For International Policy - Cuba Report

Posted on 01/17/2012 by Center for International Policy

By Salim Lamrani, with contributions from Wayne Smith

The way may be opening for increased U.S.-Cuban ties. The United States has removed all restrictions on Cuban-American travel from the U.S. to Cuba and all limitations on Cuban-American remittances to families on the island. Coming at a time when the Cuban government is encouraging the establishment of small private enterprises, this opens the way for importantly increased ties between the two communities-as one observer put it: “for an inflow of capital from the U.S. to Cuba.”

There is, however, the proverbial “fly in the ointment” and that is the case of Alan Gross, arrested on December 3 of 2009 and since then representing a major obstacle to improved relations–along with the case of the Cuban Five on the other side (but more on that later).

Who is Alan Gross?

Alan Gross is a 61 year-old Jewish U.S. citizen from Potomac, Maryland who is an employee of Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI), a subcontractor of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) which itself is a dependency of the State Department. In December 2009, when Gross was about to leave Cuba with a simple tourist visa–after his fifth visit that year–Cuban state security authorities detained him at the International Airport in Havana. An investigation discovered links between him and the internal opposition to the Cuban government. Gross had been distributing among the opposition portable computers and satellite telephones as part of the State Department program for “promoting democracy in Cuba.” [1]

A long-distance communications technology expert, Gross has great experience in the field. He has worked in more than 50 nations and set up satellite communications systems during the military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan to circumvent channels controlled by local authorities. [2]

Possession of a satellite phone is strictly forbidden in Cuba for national security reasons and telecommunications are a state monopoly with competition forbidden. [3]

Aid for the Cuban Jewish Community?

The State Department, demanding the release of the detainee declared, “Gross works for international development and traveled to Cuba to assist the members of the Jewish community in Havana to connect with other Jewish communities in the world.” According to Washington, Gross’ activities were legitimate and did not violate Cuban legislation.[4]

In October 2010, during the annual session of the UN General Assembly, Arturo Valenzuela, then assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, met with Bruno Rodríguez, Cuban minister for foreign affairs, to discuss Gross. This was the most important diplomatic meeting between representatives from both nations since the beginning of Obama’s era. [5]

Alan Gross’ family also said that his frequent trips to the island were to allow the Jewish community in Havana to gain access to the Internet and to communicate with Jews all over the world.[6] His lawyer, Peter J. Kahn, endorsed their words, “His work in Cuba had nothing to do with politics; it was simply aimed at helping the small, peaceful, non-dissident Jewish community in the country. [7]

Gross doubtless had contact with some members of the Jewish community in Cuba. Leaders of the Jewish community in Havana, however, contradict the official U.S. version of his relationship. In fact, leaders of the community affirm they did not know Alan Gross, and had never met with him despite his five visits to Cuba in 2009. Adela Dworin, president of the Beth Shalom Temple, rejected Washington’s statements. “It’s lamentable […]. The saddest part is that they tried to involve the Jewish community in Cuba which has nothing to do with this.”

Mayra Levy, speaker of the Sephardic Hebraic Center, declared she didn’t know who Gross was and added he had never been to her institution. The Associated Press said “the leaders of the Jewish community in Cuba denied the American contractor Alan Gross […] had collaborated with them.” [8] In like manner, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that “the main Jewish groups in Cuba had denied having any contracts with Alan Gross or any knowledge of his project.” [9]

Reverend Oden Mariachal, secretary of the Consejo de Iglesias de Cuba (CIC) [Cuban Council of Churches] which includes the [non-Catholic] Christian religious institutions and the Jewish community in Cuba, confirmed this position at a meeting with Peter Brennan, State Department coordinator for Cuban Affairs. On the occasion of the General Assembly of Churches of Christ in the U.S., held in Washington in 2010, the religious leader rejected Gross’ allegations. “What we made clear is what the Cuban Jewish Community, a member of the Cuban Council of Churches, told us, ‘We never had a relationship with that gentleman; he never brought us any equipment.’ They denied any kind of relationship with Alan Gross.”[10]

In fact, the small Cuban Jewish community, far from isolated, is perfectly integrated in society and has excellent relations with the political authorities in the Island. Fidel Castro, although very critical of Israeli policy in the occupied territories, declared to American journalist Jeffrey Goldberg that in history “no one has been as slandered as the Jews. They were exiled from their land, persecuted and mistreated everywhere in the world. The Jews had a more difficult existence than ours. Nothing can compare to the Holocaust,” he said. [11]

Cuban President Raúl Castro attended the religious ceremony for Hanukkah-the Festival of Lights–at the Shalom Synagogue in Havana, in December 2010. The visit was broadcast live on Cuban TV and published in the front page of newspaper Granma. He took the opportunity to greet “the Cuban Jewish community and the fabulous history of the Hebrew people.” [12]

Moreover, the Cuban Jewish community has all the technological facilities needed to communicate with the rest of the world, thanks to the assistance of other international Jewish entities such as the B’nai Brith and the Cuban Jewish Relief Project, the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), the World ORT, the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) or the United Jewish Committee (UJC); all of it endorsed by the Cuban authorities. [13]

Arturo López-Levy, B’nai Brith secretary for the Cuban Jewish community between 1999 and 2001, and today a professor at Denver University, is also skeptical about the U.S. version of the Gross case. On the subject, he stated, “Gross was not arrested for being Jewish or for his alleged activities of technological aid to the Cuban Jewish community which already had an informatics lab, electronic mail and Internet access before he got to Havana. [The Jews in Cuba] do not gather at a synagogue to conspire with the political opposition because this would jeopardize their cooperation with the government which is needed for their activities: the emigration to Israel program, the Right by Birth project–through which young Cuban Jews travel to Israel every year–or to deal with humanitarian aid. To protect the most important they detach themselves as much as possible from the U.S. programs of political interference on Cuban internal affairs. Gross travelled to Cuba not to work with any Jewish organization but for USAID.” [14]

Wayne S. Smith, chief of the U.S. Interests Section in Cuba from 1979 to 1982 and director of Cuba Program of the Center for International Policy in Washington, said that “in other words, Gross was involved in a program whose intentions were clearly hostile to Cuba, because its objective is nothing less than regime change.” [15]

Illegal Activities According to Cuban Authorities

Cuban authorities suspected Gross of espionage and internal subversion activities. [16]Ricardo Alarcon, president of the Cuban Parliament, declared he had violated the country’s legislation. “He violated Cuban laws, national sovereignty, and committed crimes that in the U.S. are most severely punished.”[17]

Gross, a USAID employee was providing sophisticated communications equipment. The distribution and use of satellite phones is regulated in Cuba and it is forbidden to import them without authorization. On the other hand, Article 11 of Cuban Law 88 reads that, “He who, in order to perform the acts described in this Law, directly or through a third party, receives, distributes or takes part in the distribution of financial means, material or of other kind, from the Government of the United States of America, its agencies, dependencies, representatives, officials, or from private entities is liable to prison terms from 3 to 8 years.” [18]

This severity is not unique to Cuban legislation. U.S. law prescribes similar penalties for this type of crime. The Foreign Agents Registration Act prescribes that any un-registered agent “who requests, collects, supplies or spends contributions, loans, money or any valuable object in his own interest” may be liable to a sentence of five years in prison and a fine of 10,000 dollars. [19]

French legislation also punishes this type of action. According to Article 411-8 of the Penal Code, “the act of exercising on behalf of a foreign power, a foreign company or organization or company or organization under the control of a foreign agent, any act aimed at supplying devices, information, procedures, objects, documents, informatics data or files whose exploitation, spreading, or gathering can by nature attempt against the fundamental interests of the nation is punishable with ten years of imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 Euros.”[20]

On February 4, 2011, the prosecutor of the Republic of Cuba formally accused Alan Gross of “acts against the integrity and independence of the nation,” and demanded a jail sentence of 20 years. On March 12, 2011 Gross was finally sentenced to 15 years imprisonment after his trial.[21] The lawyer for the defense, Peter J. Kahn, expressed his regret that his client was “caught in the middle of a long political dispute between Cuba and the United States.” [22]

The New York Times remembers that Gross “was arrested last December during a trip to Cuba as part of a semi-clandestine USAID program, a service of foreign aid of the State Department destined to undermine the Cuban Government,” The New York paper also indicated that “U.S. authorities have admitted that Mr. Gross entered Cuba without the appropriate visa and have said he distributed satellite telephones to religious groups. [23]

Since 1992 and the adoption of the Torricelli Act, the U.S. openly admits its objective towards Cuba is “regime change” and one of the pillars of this policy is to organize, finance and equip an internal opposition. [24]

USAID, which is in charge of the implementation of the plan, admits that, as part of this program, it finances the Cuban opposition. According to the Agency for the 2009 fiscal year the amount destined for aid to Cuban dissidents was of 15.62 million dollars. Since 1996 a total of 140 million dollars have been dedicated to the program aimed at overthrowing the Cuban government. “The largest part of this figure is for individuals inside Cuba. Our objective is to maximize the amount of the support that benefits the Cubans in the Island.”[25]

The government agency also stresses the following, “We have trained hundreds of journalists in a ten year period and their work is seen in mainstream international media.” Formed and paid by the U.S., they represent, above all, the interests of Washington whose objective is a “regime change” on the island. [26]

From a juridical point of view, this reality in fact places the dissidents who accept the emoluments offered by USAID in the position of being agents at the service of a foreign power, which constitutes a serious violation of the Cuban Penal Code. The agency is aware of this reality and simply reminds all that “nobody is obliged to accept or be part of the programs of the government of the United States.” [27]

Judy Gross, the wife of Alan Gross, was authorized to visit him in prison for the first time in July 2010. [28]She took the occasion to send a letter to Cuban President Raúl Castro in which she expressed her repentance and apologized for the acts of her husband. “I understand today the Cuban Government does not appreciate the type of work Alan was doing in Cuba. His intention was never to hurt your government.” [29]

Judy Gross also accuses the State Department of not having explained to her husband that his activities were illegal in Cuba. If Alan had known that something would happen to him in Cuba, he would not have done that. I think he was not clearly informed about the risks.” [30]

A Way Out?

Clearly, Alan Gross violated the law. Of that there can be no doubt. On the other hand, he seems to have done little harm. His continued incarceration results in no important benefits to the U.S. His release, on the other hand, could be a major step toward improved U.S.-Cuban relations, especially if in the process he were prepared to apologize for his actions.

There is another side to the matter, however, and that has to do with the so-called Cuban Five. Just as the U.S. seems unwilling to move ahead in relations unless there is some movement in the Gross case, so do the Cubans seem reluctant to move without progress in the case of the Cuban Five, who were incarcerated in 1998. They were sent up to the U.S. by the Cuban government to penetrate and develop information about the anti-Castro terrorists groups in Florida after a sequence of bomb attacks against tourist centers in Havana. The idea was then to provide that information to the FBI so that it could take action to halt the exile terrorists. A meeting between representatives of the FBI and the Cubans was held in Havana over several days in June of 1998 and some forty folders of evidence were turned over to the FBI. The Cubans then waited for the U.S. to take action against the terrorists. But none was taken; rather, shortly thereafter, the FBI began arresting the Cuban five. In other words, they arrested those who had provided the evidence rather than the terrorists themselves. The Five were arrested, tried and convicted, though “tried” is not the right word for the trial was a sham. The prosecutors had no real evidence and so fell back on the old standby of trying them for “conspiracy” to commit illegal acts. No evidence, and they were tried in Miami where anti-Castro sentiment had reached such a level with the Elian Gonzalez case that there was no chance of empanelling an impartial jury. Defense lawyers requested a change of venue, but, incredibly, it was denied.

Worst of all was the case of Gerardo Hernandez, who was accused of “conspiracy” to commit murder and given two consecutive life sentences plus fifteen years–this in connection with the shoot down of the two Brothers to the Rescue planes in February of 1996. Never mind that there was no evidence that he was in any way responsible. But there, behind bars, he remains today, mostly in solitary confinement and after all these years not allowed a single visit from his wife.

The injustice in these cases contradicts the reputation of the U.S. for dedication to the rule of law. It must be corrected. Holding these men year after year without real evidence of any crime other than being the unregistered agents of a foreign power was one thing during the Cold War–though unjustified even then. But now, with the Cold War over and every possibility of beginning a new U.S.-Cuba relationship, it becomes morally unjustifiable and counterproductive. It is time surely to undertake a process of reviewing all these cases and then allowing these men to return to their families. One, René Gonzalez, has already been released from prison to serve out his remaining three years on parole, but at the same time, incredibly, not allowed to return to Cuba to be with his wife, who he has not seen in all these years. That, allowing his return, should perhaps be the first step in the process.

And it goes without saying that as the U.S. begins to move in the cases of the Cuban Five, Cuba should release Alan Gross to return to his family.

It should be noted that Alan Gross himself suggested there should be some reciprocal movement in these cases. “Following the recent exchange of the Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, for 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, Gross was clear that he wants the United States and Cuba to make a similar gesture for him and the Cuban Five,” explained Rabbi David Shneyer, who had visited Gross in Havana. [31]

Salim Lamrani, PhD in Iberian and Latin American Studies of the Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV University, is a professor in charge of courses at the Paris-Sorbonne-Paris IV University and the Paris-Est Marne-la- Vallée University. He is a French journalist, and specialist on the Cuba-United States relations. He has recently published: Etat de siege. Les sanctions economiques des Etats-Unis contre Cuba with a prologue by Wayne S. Smith.

Wayne S. Smith, now director of the Cuba Project at the Center for International Policy, was chief of the U.S. Interests Section in Havana, 1979-1982, and is the author of The Closest of Enemies, (New York: W.W. Norton, 1987.

End Notes


[1] Jeff Franks, <>, Reuter, October 24, 2010.

[2] Phillip J. Crowley, <>, op. cit.; Saul Landau, <>, Counterpunch, July 30, 2010. http://www.counterpunch.org/landau07302010.html (site consulted on February 18, 2011).

[3] Ibid.

[4] Phillip J. Crowley, <>, op. cit

[5] Paul Haven, <>, The Associated Press, October 18, 2010

[6] Anthony Broadle, <>, Reuters, October 24, 2010.

[7] Juan O. Tamayo, <>, El Nuevo Herald, February 5, 2011.

[8] Andrea Rodríguez, <>, The Associated Press, December 2, 2010.

[9] Jewish Telegraphic Agency, <>, February 6, 2011.

[10] Andrea Rodrígues, <>, The Associated Press, December 2, 2010.

[11] Jeffrey Goldberg, <> The Atlantic, December 7, 2010. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2010/09/castro-no-one-has-been-slandered-more-than-tthe-jews/62566/ (site consulted on February 18, 2011).

[12] The Associated Press, <>; Juan O. Tamayo, <>, El Nuevo Herald, December 6, 2010.

[13] Comunidad Hebrea de Cuba, <>. http://www.chcuba.org/espanol/ayuda/quienes.htm (site consulted on February 18, 2011).

[14] Arturo López-Levy, <>, August 2010. http://www.thewashintonnote.com/archives/2010/08freeing_alan_gr/ (site consulted on February 18, 2011).

[15] Wayne S. Smith, <>, Center for International Policy, March 2011. http://ciponline.org/pressroom/articles/030411_Smith_Intelligence_Brief_Gross.htm (site consulted on March 13, 2011).

[16] Paul Haven, <>, The Associated Press, February 19, 2010.

[17] Andrea Rodriguez, <>, The Associated Press, December 11, 2010.

[18] Ley de protección de la independencia nacional y la economía de Cuba (LEY N˚. 88), Artículo 11.

[19] U.S. Code, Title 22, Chapter 11, Subchapter II, § 611, iii <>, § 618, a, 1 <>.

[20] Code Penal, Partie legislative, Livre, Titre Ier, Chapitre I, Section 3, Article 411-8.

[21] William Booth, <>, The Associated Press, February 4, 2011.

[22] Paul Haven <>, The Associated Press, February 4, 2011.

[23] Ginger Thompson, <>, The New York Times, October 24, 2010.

[24] Cuban Democracy Act, Titulo XVII, Artículo 1705, 1992.

[25] Along the Malecon, <>, October 25, 2010. http://alongthemalecon.blogspot.com/2010/10/exclusive-q-with-usaid.html (site consulted on October 26, 2010); Tracey Eaton, <>, El Nuevo Herald, December 3, 2010.

[26] Ibid.

[27] Ibid.

[28] Jessica Gresko, <>, The Associated Press, October 26, 2010.

[29] Anthony Boadle, <>, op. cit. ; Jeff Frank, <>, Reuters, October 24, 2010.

[30]Anthony Boadle, <>, op. cit EFE, <>, February 8, 2011.

[31] Agence France Presse, <> November 8, 2011.

Doa Untukmu Nenek

Doa Untukmu Nenek - Dulu sekitar 1000 hari sebelum nenek menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya, setiap pagi nenek membangunkan ku untuk mengajak solad subuh. Dan pada pagi itu saya melihat senyum nenek yang saat ini tidak ku lihat lagi saat ini, senyumnya, semangatnya, tauladannya, nasihat-nasihatnya dan ceritanya kini tak lagi ku dengar dan ku lihat.

Pada saat nenek jatuh sakit dan ia terbaring di tempat tidurnya di kamar belakang rumah, tanpa daya nenek terbaring lemas dan tidak dapat melakukan aktifitasnya yang biasanya ia lakukan dan tanpa mengenal rasa lelah. Ia selalu memanggil ku bila ia memerlukan sesuatu yang tidak bisa ia lakukan sendiri.

Pada saat detik-detik nenek akan menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya ku pun masih tetap menunggunya dan berharap pada saat itu nenek akan baik baik saja. Tetapi allah berkehendak lain, nenek yang selama ini ku dambakan akan nasihat-nasihatnya telah menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya.

Ku mengantar jasad nenek sampai pada peristarahatan terakhirnya, terlihat banyak yang mengantarkan nenek sampai ke tempat peristarahtan terakhirnya, smpai sampai orang nomor satu beserta jajarannya di kota metro pun ikut mengantarkan nenek sampai ke tempat peristrirahatan terakhirnya.

Banyak perbuatan baik nenek yang telah diperbuat dengan jerih payahnya semasa nenek masih hidup, entah, berapa banyak orang yang mengenal nenek dengan kegigihannya dan kerja kersnya, walaupun nenek dari kampung dan tidak bisa baca tulis tetapi ajaran ajarannya sangat berguna dan perlu di contoh untuk kita kita yang masih hidup.

Waktu terus berjalan setelah ketiadaanya nenek di rumah ini, kini pun menjadi sepi, kamar yang biasanya untuk nenek beristirahat kini pun berubah menjadi kamar ku. Kini kamar sebagai keseharian ku untuk beraktifitas dan untuk menuliskan ide ide ku yang ku tulis kini di blog ini.

Kini sudah 1000 hari setelah nenek pergi, keluarga pun melakukan kirim doa untuk nenek agar nenek tenang di alam sana dan dapat diterima di sisi Allah.SWT. amiiin

Hikmah yang bisa saya ambil dari kehidupan nenek :
  • Kita sebagai yang masih diberi kehidupan oleh yang maha kuasa seharusnya lebih mensyukuri akan arti hidup ini dan selalu menjaga segala tindakan dan ucpan kita.