Monday, January 9, 2012

Big Difference Between Mitt Romney and Ron Paul

Mitt Romey, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrigh are certified Cuba-haters. They hate the Caribbean island and its people as much as Hitler hated the Jews.

In contrast, Ron Paul, a strong Libertarian, is the only candidate running for U.S. president who has said that "the United States should end its Cuba trade embargo." He is a conciliator and not a war-monger. He would end all the undeclared wars that Barack H. Obama is currently waging, and bring the troops home.

Yesterday, Mittens said that he likes to fire people. He is an unabashed pawn of Wall Street and his former employer, Bain Capital, is a typical capitalist company which tries to SCREW the bottom 99% every which way they can.


Source: TBO

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