Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm a Published Artist!

"Halloween Tarot Dreams" ~ Book

Hi Folks,

I'm SO excited to share the news about my new book "Halloween Tarot Dreams."

Back in 2008 at the urging of a fellow artist friend, I decided to do a limited edition set of Halloween inspired Tarot postcards. This one of a kind postcard series comprised of my versions of the Major Arcana cards is featured in this book in it's entirety!

I've had many requests to offer prints, and or create a full deck of these very special postcards over the past two years. I also wanted to author a magical coffee table art book of my work. I thought creating a book commemorating the whole series would be a novel concept.

Update ~ I'm now offering a soft cover version too for a lower price at $19.95.

You can see a 15 page preview by clicking here.

© 2008-2010 Christopher A. Klingler, All Rights Reserved.

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