Tuesday, September 20, 2011

University of Havana awards to Bolivian President Evo Morales a Doctor Honoris Causa in Politcal Science

by PL — last modified Sep 20, 2011 08:10 AM

Bolivian President Evo Morales received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Political Science from the University of Havana in recognition to his outstanding contributions to the discipline.

The resolution of the almost tercentenary house of higher studies, read by its rector, Gustavo Cobreiro, highlights the trajectory of the dignitary since his days as a union leader to the current responsibilities.

Morales was awarded because he has made great contributions to a New Political Science for the poor, for the ordinary people, the political South, and inclusive of indigenous people, says the text.

From that science it is recognized that indigenous peoples of Bolivia, Latin America and the world have emerged as subjects and protagonists.

It also stresses that the president has faced with political courage, and in a creative way, internal and external challenges threatening the new Plurinational State of Bolivia.

Morales' political practice, and his bioethical, environmentalist and political thinking qualify him as the leader of greatest political and social results in Bolivia's history.

This is not only Evo Morales' recognition, but of those who fight for equality in Latin America and the world, said the head of state after receiving the aforementioned title in the Aula Magna.

Later, the president, who pays an official visit to Cuba, spoke about the situation in Bolivia and the internal and external factors that affect the process of the South American nation; and criticized U.S. policies and capitalism.

Source: Escambray

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