Friday, September 16, 2011

Washington Must Allow Rene Gonzalez to Return Home

Written by RHC

The most humane and reasonable solution is that Washington allows Rene Gonzalez, one of the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters in US jails, to return to Cuba after he meets his prison sentence.

The coordinator of the US National Committee to Free the Five, Gloria La Riva called on Judge Joan Lenard to hear the petition by the defense attorney of Rene, Phil Horowitz, Prensa Latina news agency reported.

Gonzalez will meet a 15-year term in the Florida-based Mariana prison on October 7, but the US justice gave him a three-year probation, which is considered a sanction that adds to the already unjust process against the five Cubans.

Horowitz filed a motion for René to be allowed to serve his three years' probation in Cuba, but the US government has opposed that motion and is currently demanding that Rene serves his probation in Florida, where he has no family.

Rene Gonzalez, along Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez were arrested in 1998 after they monitored Florida-based ultra-right organizations that have undertaken terrorist actions against Cuba. In 2001, these men, known as the Cuban Five were given extremely long sentences in a biased trial in the city of Miami.

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