Friday, January 6, 2012

New Hampshire & Florida Primaries. SEND THEM A MESSAGE!

The Democratic and Republican parties in the states of New Hampshire and Florida will soon hold their Presidential Preference Primaries on January 10th and 31st respectively.

If you are a regular visitor to our blog, you probably already know that we are 100% opposed to continuing the failed economic embargo against Cuba. There is only one candidate that has publicly expressed his opposition to what Cuba calls a blockade, and they are correct in calling it that. It is a genocidal U.S. policy which seeks to asphyxiate the Cuban people. It does not hurt the Cuban government. The embargo/blockade has been overwhelmingly condemned, for twenty years in a row, by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Barack H. Obama, like George W. Bush before him, has continued the Cuba embargo. Just on the Cuba issue alone, he does not deserve to be re-elected. On other national issues, the United States has gone steadily downhill since we put him in the Oval Office.

Only one candidate for POTUS has publicly opposed the Cuba embargo, and that person is Libertarian Ron Paul. See his video.

I urge the voters in New Hampshire and Florida to vote for U.S. Representative Ron Paul, as the only way that we have of protesting the continuation of the genocidal Cuba embargo.

SEND THEM A MESSAGE! The Cuba embargo has to be stopped and repealed!

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