Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Whining of La Loba Feróz

She is the laughingstock of the U.S. House of Representatives, if not the world-at-large. U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Miami) has the strange and abnormal hobby of “objecting” to everything that has to do with Cuba Soberana y Socialista. She does it because she realizes that she and her family of Batista supporters are never-ever going to go back to “La Isla Mas Hermosa que Ojos Humanos Han Visto.”

The Smithsonian Institution is apparently sponsoring trips to Cuba, and why not. They should really try to get Ileanita truly pissed off by starting the tours on the 26th of each month, to honor the epic struggle of the Cuban people to obtain true independence from the corrupt pseudo-republic imposed by the Yankee occupiers on 20th May 1902.

Read the latest caper from La Loba Feróz by clicking here.

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