Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Opponent of the Cuba Embargo Finishes a Strong Third in Iowa Caucuses

December 4, 2012

U.S. Representative Ron Paul, who is the only candidate for President of the United States in the 2012 presidential election who has publicly expressed his opposition to the failed Cuba embargo, and who is also a very strong anti-war candidate, finished as a third place winner in the Iowa caucuses last night.

The American electorate is ready for BIG CHANGE. Barack H. Obama has followed in the footsteps of George W. Bush. The guy who promised us hope, change, and “a new beginning with Cuba” has been a huge fraud. He is the standard bearer of the status quo and the capitalist establishment. He leads the anti-Cuba hate partisans, and keeps on sending millions of U.S. taxpayer money to the anti-Cuba Cuban-American National Foundation, which is funded and directed by the United States government.

There will be many more primary elections or caucuses during the rest of this year. Florida will hold its Presidential Preference Primary on January 31st. I urge you to do what I did: change your party registration (temporarily, of course!) to Republican and cast your vote of support for Representative Ron Paul in the coming last Tuesday of this month. Send them a strong message that you oppose the Cuba embargo. Then on February first you can always change your voter registration back to what it was before.

A vote for Romney, Gingrich or Obama is a vote to continue the failed policies of the empire in regards to Cuba.

Ron Paul in New Hampshire - Does He Have Enough Momentum to Win There?

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