Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The 'Babalu Blog' Gusanos Publish Another Silly Letter From La Loba Feroz

March 20, 2012

His Excellency Enda Kenny

Dear Taoiseach Kenny,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the proposal by the City Council of Galway to build a monument in honor of Ernesto “Che” Guevara and respectfully request that the Government of Ireland, instead, render its support to and honor the enslaved Cuban people who seek to be free from the dictatorship that Che helped impose on them.

Che Guevara was a mass murderer and human rights abuser, whose campaign led to the murder of countless people throughout Cuba, under the Castro regime, and Latin America. The romanticizing image that this proposed monument portrays would serve to diminish the brutality that was committed by Che and the painful suffering endured by many Cuban-American families and his other victims far and wide.

Democratic values are under assault in the Western Hemisphere, as apparent by recent developments in the ALBA states of Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Now is a crucial time for responsible nations to stand in solidarity with one another in order to protect universal human rights and demonstrate their support for democracy in Latin America.

Erecting a monument to Che Guevara in Galway, or anywhere in Ireland, would serve as a horrific reminder of the brutality that was suffered under Che’s direction. I respectfully request that your government honor the victims of Che and the Castro dictatorship by rejecting this proposal.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Ileana Ros-Lehtinen



WOW! La Loba Feroz has been Transgendered! She is a man in a chair now!

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