Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Victor Hugo's description of Fulgencio Batista's coup d'etat 101 years before it happened in Cuba

On December 2, 1851 Luis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, staged a coup d'etat in France and officially closed the book on the uprisings of 1848, [the year when Karl Marx had published in London his Manifesto of the Communist Party.]

Luis Napoleon, backed by the Army, effectively tore up the constitution of France's Second Republic, dissolved the National Assembly, and proclaimed himself president for life.

Victor Hugo's words describing the tragic event : “In one night liberty was struck down by a hand sworn to support it, the inviolability of the law, the rights of the citizens, the dignity of the magistrate, the honor of the soldier all disappeared and there arose the despotism of a personal government founded on the saber, perjury, murder and assassination.”

On March 10, 1952, US-supported puppet, Fulgencio Batista, did the same in Cuba.

Source: Love and Capital: Karl and Jenny Marx and the birth of a Revolution
Mary Gabriel
Little Brown & Company, New York, September 2011

Gabriel's book is highly recommended. It describes the tragic lives of Karl and Jenny Marx. It is 709 pages long and it deserves to be in any history-buff library.

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