Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cuban Catholic Church Call Temple Occupiers Irresponsible

The Raw Story

By Agence France-Presse

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 20:02 EDT

HAVANA — With a papal visit looming, dissidents occupied a Catholic church here in a bold show of activism, demanding Pope Benedict XVI press for political freedom in Cuba, religious and dissident sources said Wednesday.

Cuba’s Catholic church quickly slammed the move as “illegitimate and irresponsible.”

“This is a coordinated, planned strategy by groups in different regions around the country. It is not some whim … it was arranged apparently to create critical situations ahead of Pope Benedict VXI’s visit,” said a statement from the archdiocese led by Havana Archbishop Jaime Ortega.

The protesters, five women and eight men, are members of the outlawed opposition Republican Party of Cuba (PRC), group member Julio Beltran told AFP.

The group entered the Our Lady of Charity church in central Havana late Tuesday and spent the night at the church. By midday Wednesday, they were still on the scene.

Police guarded over the area but did not intervene, and the archbishop’s office said the authorities had promise not to enter the church.


JG: These so-called "dissidents" have always been directed and financed by Yankee imperialism. What they seek is the return of dog-eat-dog U.S. capitalism to the island.

The question is how much money did they receive from the Obama administration as payment for their destabilization activities? Obama rules, Miami, Tampa and Chicago with his criminals and his scammers, but he does not rule Cuba.

The escoria who occupied this church will be repudiated by the Cuban people in the same way that they repudiated Bush and Obama.

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